The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP014, How to Write a Great Ordinary World Scene

January 25, 2018

Are you struggling to figure out how to start your novel? Quite often we place much emphasis on the first sentence or paragraph and not to the large scene. In three-act-structure, this scene is referred to as the ordinary world. In this episode, we are going to discuss why this scene is so important and I'll share seven tips to help you write a great ordinary world scene.

Before we dive into this episode, I want to point out a few necessary pieces of information. I'm a thriller writer. By admitting this, I would like to point out that my story structure method reflects this genre. This is the reason I started off with the story hook and not the ordinary world scene. A thriller novel starts off with a crime being committed or with the discovery of a crime. If you're writing a romance, you may want to not have the hook as a separate scene but an element within the ordinary world scene. Once again, before we get started, I would like to point out this episode will contain a few minor spoilers from the thriller novel, Sanctus by Simon Toyne.

This episode is the second instalment of my three-act structure mini-series. If you've just joined me on this podcast then, I will link the previous two episodes, the hook, and three-act structure below. Today, I will focus on the next plot point in the first act. This plot point is the ordinary world.

Thanks for listening!

Check out the Blog Post

Plot and Story Structure: The Ordinary World |

Check out the Previous Episodes

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a Novel |

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