The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP011, Plotting Vs Pantsing: How to Decide Whether to Plot or Pants Your Novel

October 12, 2017

Are you struggling to decide whether you should plot or pants your novel? If you've been a writer for longer than a quick minute, then you already know the debate between plotting vs pantsing is fierce. When I considered creating this episode to discuss this important writing topic I didn't want to make another pros and cons list. Let's face it, there are millions of those blog posts, podcast episodes, and videos out there, and we don't need one more. In light of this, it's important to point out that, it's not my intention to be controversial but, to help you make an informed decision. Before you decide whether to plot or pants your novel, you need to consider how you learn. It's also important to understand why these options for work for some writers and not others. If you've ever wondered, how to decide whether to plot or pants your novel, then this is for you.



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Check out the Blog Post

Plotting vs Pantsing: How to Decide Whether to Plot or Pants Your Novel |


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