The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS001, I'm Sharing My Writing Goals For October With You

October 12, 2017

I've been thinking about changing how I deliver content on my behind the scenes author blog. I was inspired by Paul Teague Self-Publishing Journeys podcast. The podcast has two types of content. The first is interviews with writers and the second is Paul's podcast diary. I've been listening to the podcast a few weeks before Paul asked me to be a guest on the show. Paul does this great podcast diary where he gives you a weekly personal update on his writing journey. This is something I've been doing on my blog but, I've dropped the ball a bit, and I thought, a podcast diary could bring back a little joy to this blog.


So, that's what you can expect from this Behind The Scenes Diary. I aim to keep it under 15 minutes, and I promise to be straight to the point. Here I'll discuss, my current work in progress, future writing projects, lessons learned, and how you can get your hands on exclusive content and short stories.


A Little Less Productive

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed a disturbing trend in my productivity as a writer since I returned from my wedding in Australia. I'm becoming less and less productive. The reason for the decline in my productivity is simple. I've dropped a few great habits that served me well in the first half of the year. I'm essentially giving into resistance, teaching my mind to become scattered, and as a result, I'm becoming a little lazy. For the sake of productivity and developing great habits, today I'm going to share with you my goals for October. I divided my goals into three sections: content creation, writing, and health.


So, let's get started.


Content Creation Goals:

1. Publish 4x Episodes of The Indie Authorpreneur Podcast

2. Update the first 8x episodes on SoundCloud

3. Publish 4x Blog Posts on my author blog

4. Publish 4x Weekly Vlogs on my Youtube Channel


Writing Goals:

5. Finish the 4th revision pass of Immunity by the end of October.

6. Continue Brainstorming and write a synopsis for my new fantasy series, Time Spell.


Health Goals:

7. Work out five times a week, every week for the month of October.

8. Eat less processed foods and more whole foods. By the end of October, I want to be consuming a diet of 80% Whole foods, but I want to work my way to this goal gradually.


How am I going to measure my success?

It's one thing to set a goal, but it's another thing to achieve a goal. Before you start taking action towards achieving a goal, it's important to decide how you are going to measure your success. In light of this, at the end of October, I'm going to measure my success in two ways.


The first, is I need to complete 6 out of 8 goals in the month. This is 75 percent of the goals. The reason why I've chosen 75 percent and not 100 is, if I achieve 7 and not all 8, then at a 100 percent success rate that is a fail. I want to give myself room to fail a bit and achieve at the same time.


And, just to make things a bit complicated, I must complete at least half of the goals in each category. The reason why I chose this measure is, I don't want to drop the ball with my writing and health goals. If I'm going, to be honest, this has been a trend over the last few months. It's the reason why I'm setting these goals and sharing them with you.


Concluding Thoughts:

So, those are my eight goals for October and how I plan on measuring my success in the future. I hope you have a great week and I'll see you next Monday for another podcast diary.


Thanks for listening!


Check out the Show Notes

BTS001, Writing Goals for October 2017 |



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