The Imagine Neighborhood

The Imagine Neighborhood

Cardboard Boxing Day 2: Everything’s Fine

December 19, 2021

‘Tis Cardboard Boxing Day Eve, and all through our ‘Hood,  

Friends are being generous, kind, cheerful, and good. 

With boxes all set to become cardboard creations

To delight and amaze neighbors, pals, and relations.

From Lava Avenue to Alakazambra’s place,

Everyone’s got a bright holiday smile on their face.

There's Doc! And the Cap'n! PD and Princess Dotty!

Plus Music Man, Macho, and pals Vac and Scotty!

We’ll hang with an ogre, and our fave dromedary,

And clap as Mannrick performs the Sugar Plum Dairy.

Enjoy a stellar spaceout with the TIN PhD’s,

And spin a dreidel with Fieryous on the high seas!

And though sometimes holidays can make folks feel stressed

From working so very hard to deliver their best—

What makes a day great isn’t because it’s grandiose,

It’s spending time with the people who matter the most!

So come join us this magical Boxing Day Eve 

With its cardboard creations you just won’t believe!

And by the end, you too will opine—

“Right in this moment, everything’s fine!” 

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