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Flying in the Face of Gravity: with Tom Epperson - Mar 12,2014

March 11, 2014

Tom Epperson, author, personal strategy coach, and training specialist has 24 years of experience guiding and managing the efforts of adults to produce positive outcomes. Applying decades of research in human psychology, physiology, and optimum performance, as he lays out a step-by-step method for achieving optimum performance. The methods presented in his new book ?Flying in the Face of Gravity? are universal, and can be applied to any skill set. Optimum performance is a science and it is an art, and Tom Epperson brings unique gifts as a strategist and public speaker, as he engages groups of all sizes, and also conducts 1:1 strategic coaching. ?Flying in the Face of Gravity? Shows How to Turn Tragedy to Triumph From personal tragedies like, the suicide of a family member national tragedies like school shootings and terrorist attacks. Tom Epperson believes our greatest trials can produce our greatest strengths, if we respond to them in a proactive way. The passage of time can provide perspective and reveal that the devastation served as a catalyst for great good and positive growth. Contact Tom and Get a free gift: