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Business From The Heart: Eliminate Asthma and Toxins w/ Tania Wedin - Feb 12,2014

February 11, 2014

This week on Business form the heart, our Consciousprenuer is Tania Wedin from the UK. Read on as Tania shares her inspiring story! "I wanted to be a full time mum, I would have to be innovative and work from home, perhaps relying on the internet to develop a business." -Tania "Aside from asthma and hayfever, Yamoa has proven over the years to also help people with COPD, bronchitis, chronic coughs, sinus problems and even psoriasis. Naturopaths have reported benefits for the digestion, particularly when eating unfamiliar foods, for example when travelling abroad. Horse owners have been impressed with the benefits Yamoa has brought to their horses, and cat owners in particular have said they have owed their cat's lives to Yamoa."