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Business From The Heart: Green-Surance Alternative Health Insurance - Dec 21,2013

December 20, 2013

This month's inspiring Consciousprenur (Conscious Entrepreneur) Kari Gray is active in Heart Centered Business for an awakening world. Green-Surance Alternative Health Insurance! With a 2nd chance at life not only did Kari get what 600,000 cancer victims each year are denied, but her healthcare direction changed. Determined to find coverage for holistic healthcare, her search proved in vain when discovering no such coverage exists. So Kari became an insurance professional and created the answer, the "No Deductible-No Co-Pay" coverage that provides holistic health insurance called "Green-Surance". Opening the insurance vault to healthy people coverage, Green-Surance is the insured way out of the "profit from treatment not from cure" system. Opening the right to holistic treatment coverage across the U.S. or around the globe, Green-Surance " is ACA compliant supplemental coverage that "pays it forward" through an insurance revolution. Each Green-Surance Policy Includes Coverage for All of the Following: Accupuncture * Colonic Hydrotherapy * Chiropractic * Kinesiology * Herbal Regimes * Juicing & Juicers * Massage Therapy * Homeopathy * Emotional Clearing * Detoxification Protocols * Holistic Clinics And Many, Many More........ For details;