IM Network

IM Network

Coaching for the CareGiver with Yosaif August - Nov 20,2013

November 20, 2013

Yosaif August is a Life coach and caregiver advocate who specializes in supporting care givers through the demands of work and family along with caring for a loved one. “Caregivers are the people who somehow manage to rise to the occasion, often showing heroic capacities for resilience, patience, and self-sacrifice as well.†In his book Coaching for Caregivers August shares valuable coaching tips: • How to transform your resistance to reaching out, and feel positive about it • How to use "caresites"--free online forums for caregivers, friends, and family--and their many benefits • Where to find the best resources for caregivers • 13 of the smartest and dumbest things to do when reaching out • How to ask for help and support without losing the family's privacy • How to Set Comfortable Boundaries and Get the Help You Need Contact August: GET THE BOOK in the Illuminations Books Store and help support this network! Thank you, TaMarah TaEsee Exectutive Producer