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A Teacher Appears:The Channeled I Am America Teachings - Aug 12,2013

August 12, 2013

Lori Toye author of A Teacher Appears As a young mother and a farm wife, Lori led the conventional life in the Northwest and was totally unprepared and surprised when spiritual teachers appeared and chose her to deliver the messages of earth changes that would wipe out the American West and East Coasts. That was more than 20 years ago, and since then, Lori has led thismovement and published the first Earth changes map of the United States. Most importantly, her prophetic wisdom and insight has explored the link between these drastic earth changes and our ability to choose to change the out come. Lori visits The Illuminations Media Network to deliver the messages she has been entrusted with. Learn more about Lori, The I AM Teachings, and her new book " A Teacher Appears" Catch Lori on Coast to Coast AM August 20, 2013 and receive an audio download of "A Teacher Appears" Get the Book A Teacher Appears HERE!