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Embracing Menopause the Wise Woman Way with Susun Weed - May 30,2013

May 30, 2013

In this interview youll meet and get to know Susun Weed the renowned herbalist, author, and director of the Wise Woman Center located near Woodstock in New York State. She is known for her writing and teaching of what she describes as the "Wise Woman Way" of herbalism. Well be discussing her essential , "indispensable," "incredible," book The New Menopausal Years. Its Known as the "bible" for the 87% of American women over the age of fifty who want nothing to do with hormones.This must have master piece includes information and remedies for the following problems: premenopause flooding erratic periods fibroids spotting water retention muscle soreness hot flashes sleeplessness mood swings headaches palpitations anxiety/depression fatigue, and much more Get Susun Weed Books HERE!

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