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IM Network

The Worst Happened Now What? - Jan 19,2013

January 19, 2013

The very thing you feared happening, happened. The thing you tried to have control of... tried to keep from happening...wished to keep from losing is now lost. Whether its the break-up, being fired from your job, the house forclosure, the car repo. Whatever it is that has changed, that is no longer the way you wanted it to be, whatever is now very uncomfortable, and seems unfair... can take us into a downward spiral, a dark night of the soul. If youre now in a state of confusion over a seeming loss this show is for you. Listen, youll find helpful tools and a guided meditation vital to your present peace of mind, emotional healing and all future balance which will become your wisdom.

loss lack limitationrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | surviving a breakuprss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | emotional painrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | cognative dissonancerss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | dark night of the soulrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png