I Didn't Know That!

I Didn't Know That!

Latest Episodes

Enlightened afterlife, Warp speed, Aging light, and Literal criticism
July 29, 2009

How does resurrected body transcend universe?, 1+1=3 (faster-than-light travel time), How do we know star measurements are accurate?, John Walton criticism of Hugh

Boom, Why evil?, Monsters, and Let's go out!
July 28, 2009

Big Bang and the 4th Creation Day; Why would God fine-tune the universe and yet allow cancer?; BVG Theorem; Dating and Helium Depletion; The flying spaghetti monster.

The Furry, The Drawings, It's in our genes and More!
July 21, 2009

What is the purpose of hair on fingers and toes; Why do artistic renderings of hominids look more human; Is there a sin gene?; Why do some people suffer more than others; A question on the Shroud of Turin.

Eat meat, You'll fall off the edge and Mind the gap
July 14, 2009

Particle behavior; Vegetarian diet before the fall?; Is the universe flat?; The Gap theory

The Sky is Falling, Sharing Genes, and Right from Wrong
July 07, 2009

End of the world in 2012, Human and Mice DNA, The Origin of Objective Morality, Gaps in Genesis Genealogies, Occam's Razor

Lots of Water and Between a rock and a hard place
June 30, 2009

Inerrancy of Scripture; Genesis flood; Two creation events in Genesis 1 and 2?; Why stoning of women in Deuteronomy 22?

Molding, Magnetic Attractions and Breaking Down the Law
June 23, 2009

Decay in new creation?; Geomagnetic field reversals necessary for humanity?; Difference between Islamic Law and Sharia Law?; What is universe expanding into?

Yom, The little lady, and Uh-Oh!
June 16, 2009

Meaning of "day" in Scripture; Where did Cain's wife, others come from?; Was there a pre-Adamite world?; Strongest evidence against RTB's model?

Life on earth, human diversity, and living forever.
June 09, 2009

Genetic diversity from one man, one woman; Knowledge of good and evil; Humans built to last forever?; Origin-of-life barrier.

Planet X, the tree of life and other humans in the universe.
June 02, 2009

NIBIRU and Planet X; Hybridization and the evolutionary tree of life; Other humans we're not aware of?; Robustness of metabolic pathways.