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IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Do Politics And Bad TV Mix? Absolutely 12.13.11
December 14, 2011

Culture: When surfing 500 TV channels and nothing's on, do your politics determine which program may be worth some prime-time time-wasting? Say, "Swamp Loggers"? Entertainment Weekly thinks so. Rather, Experian-Simmons, the more scientific-sounding consu

Jet Fuel-Gate Is Obama's New Solyndra 12.13.11
December 14, 2011

Ecofanaticism: SolyndraGate was no isolated case of corrupt government misspending. The U.S. Navy was just forced to buy 450,000 gallons of biofuels from an Obama-connected firm at an outrageous $16 per gallon. The massive Obama stimulus was supposed to

Will The Supreme Court Seal Our Nation's Borders? 12.13.11
December 14, 2011

Border Justice: As the administration proposes unmanned border entry and halving our National Guard force on the border, the Supreme Court agrees to tackle Arizona's tough immigration law in an election year. Arizona wasn't around when the original 13 st

Americans' Fear Of Big Government Has Risen Under Obama 12.13.11
December 14, 2011

Politics: The percentage of Americans who fear big government is close to an all-time high. It's no coincidence that in recent history this alarm has tended to peak toward the end of Democratic terms in the White House. According to a new Gallup poll, "A

Newt Shows Presidential Mettle In Palestinian Remarks 12.13.11
December 14, 2011

Election 2012: In the latest GOP debate, Newt Gingrich caused a scandal by defending his remark that the Palestinians were an "invented people." The real scandal is it took this long for an American politician to tell the truth. Saturday's debate showed

Obama Also Lists Clinton for Lousy Recovery 12.12.11
December 13, 2011

Economy: No longer content to blame President Bush for the country's economic ills, President Obama now accuses his Democratic predecessor of being a co-conspirator.

Deal Or No Deal? The Climate Con Lives On In Durban 12.12.11
December 13, 2011

Global Warming: So an accord has been reached at the Durban climate conference after all. Or did envoys merely agree to make a real deal later, letting them continue with their corrupt enterprise? The headlines say the representatives at the United Natio

Green Groups' Attack On Fracking Based On Bad Science 12.12.11
December 13, 2011

Energy: After admitting there's no documented evidence of groundwater contamination due to a technique used to extract oil and gas from shale, the EPA tries to manufacture a crisis in Wyoming. At a House Oversight Committee hearing in May, Environmental

Occupy's Attempt To Close Ports Would Punish The 99% 12.12.11
December 13, 2011

Economic Illiteracy: Is the discredited "Occupy" protest horde shifting to economic terrorism? Its attempt to shut down West Coast ports Monday — in the name of "good jobs" — is a nasty shot at America's workers. Claiming its aim is to "end corporate

Too Much Regulation Is Damaging Economy, Killing Jobs 12.8.11
December 10, 2011

Red Tape: Seeing it's vulnerable on the issue of job-killing regulation, the White House is pushing back with media spin and misleading studies. Unfortunately, some conservatives have taken the bait. Columnist David Brooks, for one, claims "it's not clea