IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Arpaio Unjustly In Justice Department Crosshairs 12.16.11
December 16, 2011

Equity: The administration that refused to enforce voting rights law in the New Black Panther case is going after America's best-known sheriff for what it calls discriminatory policing practices involving Hispanics. Coming soon after the U.S. Supreme Cou

"Occupy" A Media Creation Unworthy Of Time’s Person Of The Year 12.16.11
December 16, 2011

Bias: So Time has decided its Thing of the Year is the Protester, a phony, media-fed phenomenon if there ever was one. Why didn't the magazine just hold a mirror up to itself? Going all drooly in its 6,884-word confection of illogic for the "Occupy Wall

Islamists Ready To Pounce As U.S. Lowers Flag In Iraq 12.15.11
December 16, 2011

Mideast: Our premature departure from Iraq tells the world that the U.S., as in Vietnam, can't finish big jobs. But far worse, it opens the door to a nuclear-armed, pan-Islamist empire led by Iran. Why, as Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported

Why Pay Teachers More For Poor Student Performance? 12.15.11
December 16, 2011

Education: Does anyone poor-mouth their pay more than public school teachers? A new study finds that to the contrary, teachers make 50% more than comparable private workers. So what do taxpayers get for this premium? The short answer is poor schools, fal

Ryan Destroys Dems' Mediscare Dreams 12.15.11
December 16, 2011

Entitlements: Pity the poor Democrats. Here they were counting on scaring seniors about GOP plans to "destroy" Medicare when Rep. Paul Ryan teams up with a prominent Senate Democrat to offer a compromise reform. From the White House on down, Democrats we

Gutting Defense Results In Cutting Jobs 12.15.11
December 16, 2011

Military Spending: The head of the House Armed Services Committee says already enacted and looming defense cuts could cost the economy a million and a half jobs. It could cost the nation much more than that. As we've written, the upcoming mandated cuts i

Dems Prove They're Not Really For Payroll Tax Cut 12.14.11
December 15, 2011

Fiscal Policy: President Obama tried to get Republicans to oppose a payroll tax extension, but Senate Democrats are the ones now fighting it. When liberals propose tax cuts, it's almost never on the level. When a beleaguered President Obama appeared befo

U.S. Aid To Pakistan Endangered By Gov't Ties To Bombers 12.14.11
December 15, 2011

War On Terror: The jig may finally be up for Pakistan. Our "ally" has been caught in another double cross. And for the first time, there's a real chance Congress could cut off its aid. New U.S. intelligence reveals that most of the material used to make

Documents Show Justice's Breuer Misled On 'Furious' 12.14.11
December 15, 2011

Ethics In Government: Attorney General Eric Holder insists "nobody at the Justice Department has lied" about the gun-running scandal Fast and Furious. That in itself is a lie, as his deputy's emails prove. Documents obtained by congressional investigator

Spending Cap Plan Gives California Real Choice in '12 12.14.11
December 15, 2011

State Spending: A wave of tax-hike initiatives is making its way to the November 2012 ballot in California. But another proposal — to control government growth — could end up trumping them all. Once the cradle of the tax revolt, California has long s