IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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America: A Nation Of Entitlement Or Opportunity? 12.20.11
December 21, 2011

Election '12: Mitt Romney wants the country to know that next fall's presidential race will be a contest between starkly contrasting visions of America. He has done voters a favor by drawing a bright line for them. In an op-ed for USA Today, the former M

Holder Cowardly Plays Race Card in Fast and Furious 12.20.11
December 21, 2011

Justice: The attorney general says he and the president get criticized because they're African-American. He once said we need an honest discussion about race. OK, let's talk about him hiding behind his. Times have changed since the evening of April 7, 17

Obama's Job-Killing Machine Rolls On 12.20.11
December 21, 2011

Jobs: President Obama tells anyone who'll listen that from dawn until dusk he's focused on job creation. Apparently, no one in his administration listens, since day after day they keep making job-killing decisions. In fact, when it comes to jobs, Obama's

New Brakes Won’t Stop Runaway EU Debtors 12.19.11
December 20, 2011

Euro Crisis: The EU may impose new debt ceilings. There's just one problem: Every member save three is in violation. So it'll be like enforcing brakes on a runaway train — too little too late. Under the latest deal to solve Europe's mushrooming debt cr

Vaclav Havel Crushed Communism By Speaking The Truth 12.19.11
December 20, 2011

Leadership: Europe's outpouring of grief over the death of Vaclav Havel, hero of Czechoslovakia's great Velvet Revolution, says much about its longing for more like him. His honesty and courage liberated Europe. Some 75,000 Czechs bearing roses and candl

Democrats' Payroll Tax Cut Has Sell-By Date 12.19.11
December 20, 2011

Taxation: Democrats are furious at a GOP revolt against their agreement to extend a middle-class payroll tax cut — for two whole months. Call it a "parking meter" tax cut. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush coasted to re-election as president in no small

Axis Of Evil Loses Murderous Dear Leader Kim Jong Il 12.19.11
December 20, 2011

North Korea: Dear Leader is dead, preceded by millions sacrificed to his family's murderous reign. As he takes his place in hell, he is a reminder evil must be resisted, not appeased. When President George W. Bush included North Korea in his "Axis of Evi

Fannie, Freddie At Heart Of Financial Crisis, Fraud Charges Show 12.16.11
December 17, 2011

Financial Crisis: The SEC is suing top officers at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for not disclosing their true exposure to subprime loans. Maybe now the left's tired canard that Fannie and Freddie were blameless can be laid to rest. The left's preferred nar

There's No Reason To Ban Cellphone Use While Driving 12.16.11
December 17, 2011

Prohibition: A federal agency is calling for a nationwide ban on all cellphone use while driving. Once again, Washington busybodies are exaggerating a problem because it happens to be a behavior they don't approve of. Last Tuesday, the National Transport

Obama's Aloofness Irks Democrats 12.16.11
December 17, 2011

White House: President Obama complains a lot about "partisan gridlock" and "obstruction" in Congress. But even Democrats say he won't get down in the trenches to bridge differences. Pouting over the collapse of his second spending stimulus (aka "the jobs