IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Pizza Money Now, Smaller Social Security Checks Later 12.22.11
December 23, 2011

Politics: Browbeaten by the polls and a pro-Obama press, the House of Representatives Thursday caved in to the White House on the payroll tax "cut." Result: cash for pizza now — and smaller Social Security checks later. Dubbed "a compromise" in Congres

As Iraq Bombings Grow, Dems Have Much To Answer For 12.22.11
December 23, 2011

War On Terror: The 14 coordinated bombings that ravaged Baghdad on Thursday, killing dozens, only begins Iraq's post-U.S. nightmare. America's job was never finished. We, along with many others, have been warning for years of the consequences of a premat

The EPA's Mercury Madness 12.22.11
December 23, 2011

Regulation: The EPA thinks it's worth spending billions of dollars each year to reduce already minuscule amounts of mercury in the outside air. So why is it trying to shove mercury-laced fluorescent bulbs into everyone's homes? When the EPA announced its

ObamaCar Sticker Shock: Taxpayers Taken For A Ride 12.22.11
December 23, 2011

Green Policy: A think tank crunches the subsidy and bailout dollars and puts the true cost of Government Motors' electric car at a cool quarter-million. And the few sold have been largely bought by the 1%. At a time when Democrats are blaming the GOP for

Canada: If No Keystone XL, We'll Sell Our Oil To... 12.21.11
December 22, 2011

Energy Policy: Canada's prime minister restates that if there's no Keystone XL pipeline in the works, not to worry. Our northern ally will still be our friend as it sends its tar sands oil to Asian markets. 'I am very serious about selling our oil off th

Obama’s Media Flying Monkeys Get Their Marching Orders, Gear Up To Do Battle 12.21.11
December 22, 2011

Journalism: Now the mainsteam media aren't even trying to conceal it. Witness the leading lights of the Beltway press who went to the White House Monday to get their political talking points. What are these people, anyway? The relationship between Barack

Shining A Light on Crony Capitalism 12.21.11
December 22, 2011

Rules: When Republicans suspended the 100-watt-light-bulb ban, they said they were trying to protect consumer choice. But they also managed to show how regulations help big business at the expense of the little guy. The light-bulb ban was part of an ener

New Fed Rules On U.S. Banks Could Hurt Recovery 12.21.11
December 22, 2011

Banks: The world's wealthiest countries are experiencing a financial crisis the likes of which haven't been seen in 80 years. So why does the Federal Reserve seem intent on ratcheting up the pain on U.S. banks? With little fanfare from the general media,

Kim Jong Il's Death Takes CIA By Surprise 12.20.11
December 21, 2011

National Security: Kim Jong Il's death exposed — once again — the alarming deficiencies of the spider web of U.S. intelligence agencies. We should know from 9/11 that what we don't know can kill us. 'What use are they?" Richard Nixon once asked regar

Politics: Lost in Beltway wrangling over a payroll tax cut, an ugly reality lurks: Our politicians are plotting yet another raid on the Social Security "trust fund," which is already near insolvency.
December 21, 2011

Election '12: Mitt Romney wants the country to know that next fall's presidential race will be a contest between starkly contrasting visions of America. He has done voters a favor by drawing a bright line for them. In an op-ed for USA Today, the former M