Quantified Health, Wellness & Aging

Latest Episodes
NR vs NMN is Dated, Boosting NAD+ to New Levels – EP21: Nichola Conlon (Nuchido)
In this twenty-first episode, Nichola Conlon provides a scientific background, introducing sirtuins and NAD. She then explains why popular NAD+ boosters, NR and NMN, are first-gen products. - Read the transcript -
Deep Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity – EP20: Polina Mamoshina (Deep Longevity)
In this twentieth episode, Polina Mamoshina introduces recently launched Deep Longevity, and its app (young.ai). - Read the transcript - Biomarkers of aging are introduced. She explains that they have taken a superior approach by using deep learning ...
You Should Measure the Length of Your Critically-Short Telomeres – EP19: Stephen Matlin (Life Length)
In this nineteenth episode, Stephen Matlin introduces telomere biology. He details how testing services typically use Q-PCR which provides an average telomere length and why that doesn't really mean anything. - Read the transcript -
Start Tracking Your Health Using Basic Blood Testing – EP18: Alexis Shields (Naturopathic Doctor)
In this eighteenth episode, Alexis Shields explains that blood biomarkers may be obtained directly and the results used to reduce chance of future disease occurrence, as well as remedy any subclinical symptoms. - Read the transcript -
Measure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)
In this seventeenth episode, Gordon Lauc introduces glycobiology. He details GlycanAge®, the world’s first direct-to-consumer glycan-based product. - Read the transcript - He explains that it can quantify how well interventions (e.g.
Coronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)
In this sixteenth episode, Knut Wittkowski shares his expert view that lockdowns were not necessary. That he can’t figure out a single justification for extending them. That there is no “second wave”. - Read the transcript -
Genetically Modifying Humans to Reverse Aging – Today – EP15: Liz Parrish (BioViva)
In this fifteenth episode, Liz Parrish shares her quest for radical life extension and details her two completed gene therapies. - Read the transcript - She describes the regenerative medical tourism available today for increased lifespan and costs.
Avoid the Healthcare System for Better Health & Finances – EP14: Dr. William Davis (Undoctored)
In this fourteenth episode, Dr. William Davis shares his view that healthcare is not primarily concerned with our health. Instead it is concerned with profit, even at the expense of our health. - Read the transcript -
Epigenetic Health Monitoring to Reduce Your Future Illness Risk – EP13: Tom Stubbs (Chronomics)
In this thirteenth episode, Tom Stubbs, Co-Founder/CEO of Chronomics starts with introducing epigenetics. He describes the technology and expertise that he's brought together to create the only company in the world advancing the forefront of epigenetic...
Multiscale Digital Models of Human Biology, Turning Health into a Hard Science – EP12: Jeff Kaditz (Q Bio)
In this twelfth episode, Jeff Kaditz, Founder/CEO of Q Bio begins with coronavirus chat. He goes on to explain that most medical knowledge today is probably incorrect or heavily biased. That there’s almost nothing a doctor does that couldn’t have been ...