Human Tech

Human Tech

Latest Episodes

Qooobo The Headless Cat Comes To Our Dreams (Nightmares)
October 06, 2017

Qoobo the headless cat has been announced, it has a tail that wags do you want one?

Mona Patel Visits the Podcast (aka the Skunkcast)
September 19, 2017

Mona Patel Visits The Podcast! We talk about her books; never say can't.

Forms (And Apple)
September 16, 2017

So simple and yet so important; what is a form? We break it down. Possibily a multipart series. We also talk about the UI of the new iPhone X.

September 10, 2017

How can you gain commitment from people? What is commitment?

Heuristics Breakdown
August 26, 2017

Do you know what a heuristic is? Talking about a big theory of human cognitive science.

Personas, What Are They?
August 12, 2017

Do you know what a persona is? We do!

Demian Borba From Adobe XD Visits The Podcast
August 04, 2017

We were very facinated with a new product from Adobe; Adobe XD. It's a new platform for UX'ers, so we invited Demian Borba who works on the project to the podcast to talk about the future of Adobe XD.

The ROI of UX
July 19, 2017

A topic we get asked about a lot -- we summarize and discuss the Return on Investment (ROI) of UX.

July 06, 2017

Do some people have super special vision? What makes vision so cool? Things about... Vision.

The Future of Retail
July 05, 2017

We talk about some of the challeneges of the future of retail.