Greg's Housecasts

Greg's Housecasts

Latest Episodes

2020 will eventually be seen as the the best time to sell a property in years.
March 03, 2020

Mortgage rates & low inventories are driving the housing business to an all time seller's market.

Carmel Indiana Housing Podcast 1.10
January 10, 2020

The latest trends and statistics for Carmel, Indiana as of January 10, 2020.  

Selling a home in 2020? Know this or the cost could be very high...
January 06, 2020

The leverage of selling a home is no longer square footage. 

The Coming (and current) Challenge of Selling A Large Home
November 08, 2019

Porsche versus Tesla

Carmel Housing Update - Peeking Into 2020
November 04, 2019

New listing, pending sale and closed home and real estate sales in Carmel, Indiana for MONDAY 11.4.2019

Carmel Real Estate Podast WEEK OF 8.19
August 21, 2019

#RealEstate #CarmelIn

Affordable Housing - Carmel/HamCo - The Myth of Financial Downsizing
August 12, 2019

Is financial downsizing of housing possible?  Is affordable housing in Carmel, Indiana & Hamilton County possible? 

Carmel Real Estate Update 8.9
August 09, 2019

Latest Carmel, Indiana real estate & housing news!