World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

131: Greece & The World Emergency in the Akashic Records

July 17, 2015

This is a little bit of an emergency session! We're only calling it that simply because there is a calling all around the world, in all the social media, about emergencies forecast for September. So, we felt it was appropriate to go into the Akashic Records and ask these questions about what is going on.

In this session, we asked about Greece, the meetings between Pope Francis and Pres. Obama, Authority, Chaos, Collapse, Currencies, Elites, Freedom, Humanity, Power, Sovereignty, Vaccinations & more! People are demanding answers, answers that come from the deepest truths within ourselves. Here are cosmic and universal answers, as opposed to those kinds of answers that we get on the superficial level through newspapers and TV reporting. More info at