World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

169: Not-a-Cancer-Survivor

April 12, 2016

You might remember a few weeks back we had a wonderful woman on our show by the name of Linda Kay. Linda talked to us about 'cake for breakfast' and 'then somes' which were her ways of noticing and appreciating the special moments in life which make what she calls 'cake for breakfast moments'.

Well, this week we have Linda back to talk with us about a more serious side of life - her empowering story of her experience with breast cancer. We want to mention that what makes Linda so inspiring is her ability to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude throughout the circumstances in her life. She did recover from breast cancer - twice, and each time she kept her faith and trust in the knowing that she would recover.

What's more, Linda refuses to be called a 'breast cancer survivor' because she views cancer like any other illness - one that we can 'recover from' like the flu or any other type of illness. Linda is here today to tell us her remarkable story of recovery and how she healed from cancer and learned to love herself.