World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

168: Lawrence Schechter on Enlightened Architecture

April 01, 2016

Lawrence Schechter is the architect behind Advancing Sustainable Design. He has designed a Retreat Center that is based on harmony and spiritual principles that is making waves in the spiritual community. It incorporates the Golden Mean in its sacred geometry, and embodies sustainable, green architecture.

Lawrence thinks from the place of resource conservation, energy efficiency, and passive solar design to advanced renewable energy technologies. His goal with this Retreat Center is to support and enhance our quality of living, allow for spiritual development in everyone associated with its construction and its operation, reduce negative impacts on the environment, while at the same time, achieve substantial utility cost reduction for the life of the building.

We spoke about his design philosophy, the types of projects and inspiration that led him to this design, what his vision is for the future, and how his Retreat Center design will influence our growth of awareness.