World of Empowerment

World of Empowerment

166: Sacred Sites of Ireland Virtual Tour - Part 1

March 20, 2016

On St. Patrick's Day this year, Ahonu & Aingeal Rose were invited to make a presentation to the Spiritual Awareness Community (SAC) of the Cascades in Bend, Oregon. The presentation was entitled "The Sacred Sites of Ireland" and took the form of a video tour of Ireland's most sacred places during which Ahonu and Aingeal Rose narrated the history and significance of each place.

Attendees had the virtual experience of the megalithic sites of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth - each 2,000 older than the pyramids of Egypt! We visited Glendalough in the Garden of Ireland, and the famous Hill of Tara and Uisneach where the kings of old were crowned. We saw holy wells and ancient hills that still carry the original mystical and healing energies.

Along with that, Aingeal Rose and Ahonu offered a sample of the sacred waters from St. Brigid's and St. Patricks burial sites. These waters, available from, are known to possess powerful transformative properties. Prepare yourself for a highly engaging and informative experience!