Honest Brutality Podcast

Honest Brutality Podcast

A conversation with Under The Radar

February 26, 2017

Get to know Zeke, Matt and Ryan of Under The Radar with us. Under The Radar is a band that won't be under the radar for long. A three piece band hailing from Memphis that is poised to take the rock world by storm. Initially we took notice due to the fact that aside from having some great songs,  the oldest member is 14, but after a closer look and getting to know these young men it became apparent that their age has nothing to do with the talent and passion that they posses. UTR is a group of young men that are some of the most respectful, humble, talented people we've had the honor of talking with, and we hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did. UTR on the web: https://www.utrtheband.com/ UTR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/undertheradarmemphis/?fref=ts UTR Twitter: https://twitter.com/UTRtheBand UTR Instagram: utrmemphis https://youtu.be/M9ohtgOwPrM