Hey, Do You Remember...?

Hey, Do You Remember...?

Adventures in Babysitting

June 21, 2013

We all remember the one rule from this 1987 comedy, right? It's pretty simple: don't f*ck with the babysitter. But you guys! We couldn't help it! Join Chris & Donna as they revisit Adventures in Babysitting and discuss the importance of expositional vanity plates, G-rated Playboy spreads, the single most bonkers gang fight in all of cinema, and much, much more!

Quick disclaimer - this is basically our pilot episode. It was the very
first attempt we made at recording something, so the format isn't
totally in place yet and it runs a little long. There were also some
minor issues with Donna's side of the audio, but nothing too terrible.
So please keep all of that in mind before you listen to what we've officially
dubbed our Training Wheels Episode! 

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