Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Latest Episodes

Here's How 64 - Investigation: Unproven Meds Part 3
June 14, 2017

In the main interview, I talked to Gino Kenny of the People Before Profit party.  Gino's Facebook page shared the Facebook group Medical Cannabis Testimonials Ireland & UK, and encouraged people to share supposed 'testimony' of people benefiting from m...

Here's How 63 - Investigation: Unproven Meds Part 2
June 01, 2017

I interviewed Dr Mariano García de Palau of the Kalapa Clinic about his claims to treat a wide range of ailments with cannabis. As he mentioned, there are no clinical trials to validate most of these cures. I also interviewed Dr Robert O'Connor,

Here's How 62 - Cannabis Oil or Snake Oil?
May 23, 2017

This podcast is the first part of a major investigation into people selling unlicensed substances that they claim will treat or cure serious conditions. This first part of the investigation, focussing on the Dublin-based Hemp Company. 

Here's How 61 - Brexit Negotiations
May 17, 2017

Derek Mooney is a public affairs and communications adviser as well as a former adviser to the Irish government. He's a columnist on and Slugger O'Toole.  *** In the last podcast, I was talking to Tom Geraghty of the PSEU,

Here's How 60 - Pay Restoration
May 02, 2017

Tom Geraghty is the General Secretary of the Public Service Executive Union.  Tom disputed  a couple of the references that I made during the interview. The report of MABS staff dealing with an average of two new cases per week here.

Here's How 59 - Seanad Referendum Revisited
April 18, 2017

Opposition parties have called for the Disclosures Tribunal to be expanded. The MacLochlainn Tribunal does exist, but the Boyle Tribunal does not. Yet. Honest. Village magazine summarised the Morris Tribunal report in 2005 saying “the gardaí are in a s...

Here's How 58 - Déjà Crash All Over Again
April 05, 2017

Tony Groves writes the blog Trickstersworld, and we discussed this article which he wrote for

Here's How 57 - What is the Pay Gap? Are Women Being Short-Changed?
March 21, 2017

Lughan Deane is the Communications Executive for the IMPACT trade union, who are currently running the #ClockedOut campaign. In the discussion I slightly overstated the dominance of women in Iran's technical and engineering facilities,

Here's How 56 - Tuam Babies and Reaction Part 2
March 13, 2017

Bill Donoghue is the President and CEO of the Catholic League. The article that he wrote claiming that the Tuam babies story is a hoax is here. The report by the Mother And Baby Homes Commission Of Investigation which detailed the forensic findings is ...

Here's How 55 - Tuam Babies and Media Coverage
March 09, 2017

Brendan O'Neill is the editor of Spiked Online. His 2014 article that we discussed is here, and the interim report of the Mother And Baby Homes Commission Of Investigations is here. The second part of my coverage of this topic will be published next we...