Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 73 – Antivax Claims

June 07, 2018

‎Steve Hinks‎ speaks for the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters, and he attended a conference in Dublin in April organised by the the International Federation for Injured Children and Adults. The conference was also attended by Anna Cannon of REGRET and Dr Jesper Mehlsen.
The conference program claimed a speaker from the HSE 'TBC', however a spokesperson for the HSE told the Irish Times “The HSE will not be attending."
REGRET have claimed on their GoFundMe page that 200 of the girls that they 'represent' are on 24-hour-suicide watch. I have talked to the Irish Prison Service, and to sources familiar with suicide prevention within psychiatric hospitals, and it is clear that this number is far and away more than the total number of suicide watch places (sometimes called special observation places) in all Irish prisons and psychiatric hospitals combined.
Hundreds of millions of people have received the HPV vaccine. The World Health Organisation have reported there is no evidence of any link between the HPV vaccination and the conditions claimed by anti-vaccine activists. By contrast, the Thalidomide scandal in the 1950s and 1960s affected 10,000 pregnant women.
In the podcast we discussed the Ontario Grade 8 HPV Vaccine Cohort Study. Steve said that this study was 'flawed', however the study has not attracted even a single criticism on PubPeer, the website for tracking suspected errors in scientific papers.
This is the text that Steve sent me, from Gardasil 9 safety document. I have confirmed that the document is genuine, and the highlighting is Steve's:
It is clear from the text that there is no suggestion whatsoever that 2.3 per cent of the recipients of the vaccine had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. There were five serious reactions determined to be caused by the vaccine among 13,309. These were pyrexia (high temperature), allergy to the vaccine, asthma attack, headache and tonsillitis.
Of the 13,309 girls in the study, 305 of them had an adverse event from any cause - this is all negative health events, all illnesses and accidents.
Steve's assertion that cervical cancer rates have increased is not based on reliable science. The study he referred to was published under a false name, and the author - whoever they were - lied about their academic institution. Mainstream studies show that the rates of cervical cancer in Australia, which introduced the vaccine in 2006, have halved.
Steve also sent me a large volume of other documents which I have made available here, here, here,