Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 72 – Feminism and Trans Issues

May 29, 2018

Natalie Parrott produces the YouTube channel ContraPoints. I highly recommend her videos. I mentioned the interview I did Linda Bellos in February. 
In our discussion, I mentioned the soaring referrals to the UK's Tavistock clinic (which specialises in gender reassignment) of children. I also mentioned James Caspian, the doctoral candidate at Bath Spa University who approved, and later rejected, Caspian's proposed research into gender reassignment reversal.
I also mentioned non-specialist doctors giving hormone treatment to young children, and the assault by trans activists on feminists wanting to organise a meeting; (Since the recording, trans activist Tara Wolf has been convicted of assault in this case) and Jessica Winfield, formerly known as Martin Ponting, while serving a sentence for a rape conviction, was relocated to a women’s prison in the UK.