Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How 10 - Government IT, Philanthropy & Democracy and Germans on Greek Debt

July 30, 2015

Long Term Economic Value (things look more meaningful when they get capital letters) was not an established economic concept when it entered public discourse in 2010. The acronym LTEV did not exist ( in relation to it before it was applied to NAMA. This is the statement by Ian Coulter ( saying that he deposited GBP £7m from his employer's client in his personal offshore bank account for unspecified 'complex' legal reasons.

Klaus-Peter Willsch ( is a member of the German parliament, the Bundestag, who opposes Greece remaining in the euro.

John Handelaar ( is a freelance developer behind (, ( and the forthcoming

Michael Moriarty ( is an accountant who has studied the role of philanthropists in Irish society, and has worked on a number of projects funded by Atlantic Philanthropies.

Nicolas Sölter ( is a PhD candidate at Hamburg University, the economics spokesperson of Junge Union Deutschlands (, the youth wing of Angela Merkel's conservative CDU ( party.