Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How ::: Ireland's Political, Social and Current Affairs Podcast

Here's How, Episode Eight - TTIP, Transgender Children & More

June 20, 2015

In the Marriage Equality referendum, the No side got 37.93 per cent (; the Conservative Party got 36.9 per cent in the 2015 general election (,_2015#Results), and won more than half the seats in the House of Commons.

The EU dropping regulations on powerful endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility, under pressure from US TTIP negotiators, is reported here (

The use of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) by tobacco giant Philip Morris to resist plain cigarette packaging in Australia is documented here ( and here (

Jillian van Turnhout (, one of the Taoiseach's 11 nominees to Seanad Éireann tweets here (

'Grandad' publishes his curmudgeonly blogs on Head Rambles ( Evidence that advertising is successfully used to fool customers about the health benefit of many foods is here (