The Help Desk Podcast

The Help Desk Podcast

A Special Report From Brainstorm 15.0 - THDP

March 08, 2014

Ok, it’s over.  Nothin left but the cleanup.  For the people that follow our tweet account:  The Help Desk Podcast which can be found @helpdesk54.  Anyway, those people got a play by play of our trip to the Wisconsin Dells, our getting snowed in at Elgin, IL (a 14â€er BTW), events at the conference and our trip home.

So, what we have here is Ed and I getting together on Monday night to go over the conference events thus far.  This is just a teeny podcast.  We had the intro but I’m not going to put the outro in so when our Brainstorm segment has finished it will go right to music.

Our podcast episode number 10 will be coming out in a matter of a couple of days.  That is the one with our very special guest Jeremy Moskowitz.

*** Just a note.  This episode is really an experiment of form.  We plan on podcasting from conferences and “major” IT events in the future.  This is our first attempt at that.  It is also our first attempt at podcasting with portable equipment.  It is our hope that these “event” podcasts become a series that is just as valuable as our normal podcasts.  Thank you for listening and subscribing.
