Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann Podcast

What Are Educators Asking for Most Right Now? A Conversation Between Heinemann PD Specialsts

September 27, 2020

The demands on educators in this moment are more than anyone could have ever imagined. Routines for teaching and learning, with children AND with colleagues, have completely been turned upside down. The time crunches are real and the need for growing as professionals in the name of students still remains. 

So, where does professional development fit in our current reality? What do educators need most? What formats are the most flexible?

Today we hear a conversation between Michelle Flynn and Jaclyn Karabinas from the Heinemann Professional Development team. Michelle and Jaclyn bring a variety of perspectives on what they are hearing from teachers and schools about their needs, as well as from our authors about their observations and experiences working virtually with educators and students over the last 6 months. 

To learn about our schedule of webinars, virtual workshops, and options for custom virtual PD visit Heinemann.com/pd