Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann Podcast

Beyond Quick Fixes to Racial Injustice in Education (Rebroadcast)

June 25, 2020

Two years ago, we started this episode of the podcast by asking, “how do we go beyond the cosmetic fixes of racial inequality in education?” That question carries even more weight as we re-listen to this conversation from 2018.

This podcast is led by Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul, Heinemann author and co-organizer of the Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project’s Social Justice Saturday. Sonja is joined by then Heinemann Fellows Dr. Kim Parker, Tiana Silvas, and Tricia Ebarvia. Tricia and Kim also organize Disrupt Texts along with their co-founders Lorena German and Julia Torres. Disrupt Texts is a crowdsourced effort for teachers to challenge the traditional canon to create a more inclusive, representative, and equitable language arts curriculum. Since this conversation first aired in 2018, all of today’s guests have continued to published books, podcasts, talks, and professional development events on diversity, equity, inclusion, and being anti-racist.

Before we begin, a message to our fellow white educators: we ask that you to do the work that’s necessary to disrupt whiteness and white supremacy within yourselves, your classrooms, and schools. We ask white educators to commit to doing this work now and long after the media coverage of this latest viral bout of racism.

Seek out the work of these authors and other Indigenous, Black, and other People of Color. Follow them on social media, support them by buying their work and attending their events, amplify their voices, and never stop educating yourself.

Here now is Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul leading off the conversation on racial literacy and racial justice in education.”