Heinemann Podcast

Heinemann Podcast

The Value and Inequity of Identity Work with Heinemann Fellow Minjung Pai and Cornelius Minor

February 16, 2020

This week on the Heinemann Podcast, we’re handing things over to Heinemann Fellow, Minjung Pai. This is the fifth episode in a mini-series by Min. We encourage you to go back and listen to previous episodes if you haven’t gotten the chance to hear them yet.

Min teaches fifth and sixth grade in Los Angeles, California. She is committed to equity, inclusion, and progressive education. Min believes that collaboration is at the core of teaching – that working together with students, parents, and teachers can make a significant, powerful, and lasting impact.

In today’s episode, Min sits down with Cornelius Minor. Cornelius is a well-known educator, Lead Staff Developer at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, and Heinemann author,best known for his book We Got This. Min and Cornelius talked about the core values of identity work, and how it informs their education practices…