The Heath Mullikin Project
Latest Episodes
How to not live with regret and forgive yourself
How do we move on from regret, learn what we need to learn, and forgive ourselves so we can live an abundant, joyful life?
What planet is this?
Sometimes, we get to be a part of events and weeks full of highs and lows that make us ask,what planet is this? How do you navigate the highs and lows of life when they happen in the same week?
What movie and tv scenes do you watch when you need a pick me up?
There are certain movie and tv scenes that make me feel all the feels. They inspire and make me tear up or they motivate me to get going. What movie and tv scenes do you watch when you need a pick me up?
The Sound of Silence
It may surprise people to hear that I love silence. Heres why its important to me and why you should make space for it too.
Taking every thought captive
On this episode, I expound on 2 Corinthians 10:5. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. What does it practically look like to take
Is there such a thing as too much margin in your life?
God has been doing an amazing work in my heart and mind, but I felt that I was in a season where I had too much margin in my life. Is that even possible? Heres what I mean and what I changed to live more fully during this season.
The Reading Rhythm
Life takes twists and turns that can throw us out of rhythm with important habits. Heres how Ive gotten back into The Reading Rhythm.
The Grief Bill
This summer was a busy season for me which meant that I had to put off dealing with the grief of a relationship that ended. Sometimes that happens in life. We go into crisis mode to make sure everyone is cared for, but eventually, the grief bi
Overcoming resistance
Sometimes we think there is a mountain in front of us keeping us from our goals. Heres a key to overcoming resistance and keeping your healthy streaks going.
Back to Square One
Sometimes when you are grieving you will have a day where you feel like you are back to square one. Heres why thats totally normal and ok.