Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Research underway to understand chronic illness caused by ticks
September 06, 2021

If you live in Australia anywhere near bushland you've probably encountered a tick before. Most people who get bitten by one suffer little more than a swollen, itchy bite site for a day or two, but fo

Trial against Theranos founder begins
September 06, 2021

Only a few years ago, technology being boasted by a US biotech start-up called Theranos was being heralded as a revolution in health care.

Q&A: Compounding pharmacy, Insomnia and reduced pollution in lockdown
September 06, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email

Can a salt substitute save lives?
August 30, 2021

A new study has found a salt substitute can be better for health, for those at risk of stroke or with high blood pressure.

The Doherty modelling and what happens next
August 30, 2021

What does the science of the Doherty modelling say and what happens next as more people get vaccinated?

Toxoplasma Gondii infection and the association with cognitive decline
August 30, 2021

Toxoplasma Gondii is a common infection many of us have, often asymptomatically. But a new study has found it's associated with mild cognitive decline.

Q&A: Burping babies, antibody tests and vaccine boosters
August 30, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email

Have we misunderstood the Doherty modelling?
August 23, 2021

Who would have thought pre-pandemic that the intricacies of mathematical modelling would become part of people's everyday conversation and widespread media coverage.

Study shows how transmissible delta is in those fully vaccinated
August 23, 2021

We keep hearing that the Delta strain of coronavirus is a game changer. Its increased infectiousness has meant it's muscled out earlier strains of the virus – it's now the dominant strain globally and

Why are cases of children in ICU with COVID increasing in some countries?
August 23, 2021

Parents are getting worried about what they're reading and hearing about the Delta variant in children.