Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Research sheds light on colorectal cancer risk factors
September 27, 2021

While there's a national bowel cancer screening programme, people with strong family histories of colorectal cancer are usually diverted to more active colonoscopy surveillance. Research using Swed

Q&A: BPD stigma; smoothie nutrition; and pregnancy care
September 27, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email

The enduring stigma surrounding Borderline Personality Disorder
September 20, 2021

Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most stigmatised and misunderstood mental health conditions. It affects a significant number of people in the community, a large proportion of them havi

How Australia fared through the first year of the pandemic
September 13, 2021

Over the past 18 months science has been scrambling to make sense of the pandemic – how much do lockdowns help or harm?

The 'molecular messages' sent when we exercise and how can they help treat disease
September 13, 2021

We're constantly told how good exercise is for us. It builds muscle, strengthens our bones, and helps our heart stay healthy.

Study finds evidence is lacking for many common orthopaedic surgeries
September 13, 2021

Research published in the British Medical Journal has seriously questioned the effectiveness of common orthopaedic operations and procedures.

Can a single pill with multiple low dose medicines transform blood pressure treatment?
September 13, 2021

One of the most toxic risk factors for your brain, heart and kidneys is high blood pressure and while globally one in three men and women have high blood pressure, a high proportion don't have it unde

Q&A: Mammalian meat allergy; are some people due for COVID boosters now?; and treating Toxoplasmosis
September 13, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email

Concerns about vaccination rates in Indigenous communities
September 06, 2021

At the beginning of the COVID vaccine rollout, the Federal Government gave Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people priority access to vaccination. They recognised that existing health inequalitie

The origins of The Black Death
September 06, 2021

Bad as COVID has been, there's no pandemic in history that's come close to the devastation of plague - at least in what's called the second plague pandemic, better known as the Black Death. It took o