Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

The Love Not Fear Movement
September 10, 2016

How do we build a community that surrounds us with the message of love? On this episode of Healing Ties, we visit with Jeff Johnson from the Love Not Fear Movement to discuss how shifting cultural bias from fear to love builds trust, reshapes our...

Reimaging The Care Experience For Everyone
August 26, 2016

Mel coppola is a passionate presenter, team builder, educator and consultant in the file of aging. An educator for the Eden Alternative, Mel's passion is about quality of life and care at all ages and stages. On this episdoe of Healing Ties, Mel will...

Authors Spotlight: Kathryn Leigh Scott
August 24, 2016

Progressive Supranuclear Pasly (PSP) is a neurological disease for which there is no cure. Our guest today, Kathryn Leigh Scott has written a powerful book, Last Dance At The Savoy where she tells her story as a caregiver for her husband Geoff and...

Do You Know Your Numbers
August 23, 2016

Do You Know Your Numbers when it comes to your blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, and more importantly, the meaning of those numbers in regards to your health? Join us at 11:30 am live from the campus of NOVA Southeastern University Lifelong...

Technology and Telemedicine with Ken Thomas from AARP
August 13, 2016

As technology advances, so does the opportunity for Telemedicine. Will telemedicine help bridge the gap in states, like Florida, who are experiencing a shortage of physicians? On this episode of Healing Ties, Ken Thomas Regional Volunteer Director,...

Institute of Motion with John Sinclair
August 13, 2016

John Sinclair is a master performance and health coach with Institution of Motion. Through an exercise tool called the ViPR, John provides everyone with the ability to get up, move and feel better. Listen in and learn how John is creating Health...

When You Need A Lyft!
August 08, 2016

Coordinating transportation is time consuming for caregivers. But what if there was a trusted transportation service that can pick you up...Immediately? On this episode of "Healing Ties" with visit with Dan Trigub from Lyft, your transportation...

Kalendar Kards Memory Support System
July 06, 2016

In today’s world of high-tech gadgets that beep, flash, crash and break, KalendarKards takes your loved one back to the simpler days of a deck of cards – a very familiar and personal hands-on tool to improve their quality of life. KalendarKards is...

Having The Talk: How to Make End of Life Wishes Easier
June 23, 2016

On this episode of "Healing Ties," Jack Tatar the author of, "Safe 4 Retirement: The Four Keys to a Safe Retirement" takes a holistic approach to retirement that considers not only the financial aspects but the need to focus on health, wellness,...

Having The Talk: How To Make End of Life Wishes Easier
June 23, 2016

On this episode of "Healing Ties," Jack Tatar the author of, "Safe 4 Retirement: The Four Keys to a Safe Retirement" takes a holistic approach to retirement that considers not only the financial aspects but the need to focus on health, wellness,...