Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP 28: How childlike curiosity led to a career in startups with Zvi Band (@skeevis)

January 17, 2016

The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast - Episode 28.

How childlike curiosity led to a career in startups with Zvi Band, co-founder of Contactually.

When I was young, I would switch career paths based on whatever cool thing I had seen recently. I started out at 3 wanting to be a garbage man, mostly because the trucks were cool. At 5, I wanted to be a pilot after flying to Disney, and at 10, I wanted to be a marine biologist after a trip to an aquarium. Now, at 33, I have finally realized that I love to create, something I shared with this week's guest; Zvi Band, co-founder of Contactually and two DC Meet-ups.

Zvi's journey started with a Lego room that he had in his childhood home and his entrepreneurial journey started not too long after.

"When I was in high school, I ran Skeevis Windows/Internet Newsletter, a weekly newsletter with Windows tips, tricks, and funny jokes. It grew to over 3,000 subscribers. I loved it."

Zvi considers himself a Founder, a Hacker, and a Community Builder. In this episode we talk about how all three of those characteristics led to him co-founding Contactually (which I am a huge fan of), and two DC Meet-ups; Proudly Made In DC, and DC Tech Meetup.

"I believe strongly in the power of personal associations and connections, so send me an email. I respond to everyone. Unless you’re the son of the deposed kind of Nigeria, or are trying to sell me home security systems or happy pills. Here's my emial: zvi@zviband.com"

What you will learn on this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
-The importance of childhood curiosity
-How to find the things you are most passionate about
-What to do when you are in a funk, and how to get out of it
-Why networking is crucial in your career and business
-How to network like a pro

More about Zvi Band:
Website (Personal): http://zviband.com/about/
Website (Business): https://www.contactually.com/
Twitter: @skeevis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zviband
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zviband