Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #29: How to grow a powerful professional network

January 24, 2016

How to grow a powerful professional network with Michael Roderick

I was so excited for this week's episode because our guest, Michael Roderick, has one of the most diverse backgrounds of any guest we have had on the show; high school English Teacher, a Broadway Producer, and a Director of Business Development. H currently runs a company focused on helping others to activate their existing networks and open doors. One of my favourite quotes you have on your profile is living a life of abundance not scarcity.

In today's episode, we talk about his entrepreneurial journey and how he is constantly focused on helping people connect, something his friends always said he was great at.

What you will learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
~How to build a powerful network by providing value
~How to get clear on what you need
~The importance of asking for help
~Lessons of a career connector
~The best social media platforms to grow your network

More about Michael Roderick:
When Michael went from high school teacher to Broadway producer in under two years people started to ask him how he managed it. Michael began his career as a high school English teacher before producing Off Broadway and then on Broadway. This combination of experience in the arts and entrepreneurship led to Michael starting an arts incubator program to teach more artists about building and growing their own businesses (PLAE). Eventually, he decided to develop a workshop on networking which grew into a full time consulting practice and that became Small Pond Enterprises.

Michael took a short break to work as the V.P. of Operations and as a Director of Business Development for an NYC Ed. Tech Startup which introduced him to the New York Startup community. Most recently, Michael founded The Connecting Connectors Conference (ConnectorCon).

How to connect with Michael Roderick:
Websites: http://www.connectorcon.com/, http://www.smallpondenterprises.com/blog/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-roderick-1161571
Twitter: @MichaelRoderick
Podcast: http://accesstoanyonepodcast.com/