The Sharper! Podcast

The Sharper! Podcast

Latest Episodes

Teaching: The Plight of the Unsaved Christian - Pastor Michael Jakes
January 02, 2018

This is another fascinating look into the phenomenon of the 'unsaved' Christian. It's actually a misnomer, but it definitely exists, and is not as rare as you might think.

Teaching: Aspects of Salvation and Sanctification - Pastor Michael Jakes
January 01, 2018

What are the aspects of salvation and sanctification, and what do they mean to me? Find out in this powerful teaching.

(BBIS) Gen.6:8,9-Noah: The Man Who Stood Out
May 27, 2017

Noah wasn't just the old man who built he big boat; from him we learn of grace, obedience and perseverance in the face of opposition. A powerful lesson about Noah.

Genesis Chapter 3
April 06, 2017

(BBIS) Genesis 3-The Rise and Fall of Satan
March 25, 2017

Continuing the teaching on the Fall of Man

(BBIS) Genesis 3-We All Fall Down
March 25, 2017

Teaching from Genesis chapter 3-the Fall of Man

(BBIS) Gen.1:26 and The Trinity:Believe it or Not
March 04, 2017

Regardless of the controversy surrounding it, the Trinity is essential and foundational to Christianity. It is said by many, that to deny this doctrine, is to put oneself on the outside of Christianity looking in. It's that serious. Where do you stand?

(BBIS) Our Great God and the Heavens Above Us (Gen.1:2-18)
February 28, 2017

For anyone not to believe in a Divine Creator, boggles the imagination. To look in the sky and deny His power is simply an act of rebellion. In this lesson, we take a look at, among other things, the three heavens above us, and the fact that, when we...