Ghostnuts Podcast

Ghostnuts Podcast

#65 – The Dystopian Future & Where The Pandemic Might Lead Humanity

August 14, 2021


Episode 65

The Dystopian Future

Some call 1984 the conspiracy theorists favourite book, as it plays out how the future will look, as it was written in 1949. Over the years, its themes have inspired various forms of media which were later predictive programmed into humanity. Prime example is studying in various schools worldwide. George Orwell (author) shortly died after the book was published however he had this final warning to say.

⚠️ A final warning from George Orwell from conspiracy

Over the course of this podcasting journey, we have pointed out key personnel and corporations that over the years have been working in sync to push their agendas to a world which is mentioned in this book, a dystopian future. A future where there is control, surveillance, tracking, censorship and reliance on technology, a totalitarian nightmare. Not to sound cliche, but living in the matrix is what many people are doing right now and just going along with life because the believe they can make it how they want to, when in reality there is a group of elites/globalists who are making decisions of how the world is pathed on a day to day basis.

The people you see are only the frontmen, your gates, your bezos, your kissingers and your zuckerbergs are merely the pawns being used in this game. No one knows who these people are, and some say they may not even be human (but we will leave that for the experts), but we do know that there is an agenda. With the cause of the pandemic in our current times, the only thing that we have experienced is an excuse to cover a bigger plan, implement new strategies “for the greater good”, and just remember that when the pandemic began, Henry Kissinger wrote that the pandemic will forever alter the world order.

The following is a quote in a 1981 book written by Bilderberger Jacques Attali: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population… Of course, we will not be able to execute people. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good… We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself, they will go to the slaughterhouse alone”.

Whether you hear it as Agenda 21, Build Back Better, Green New Deal or Great Reset, it all leads to the same outcome. When you have the World Economic Forum organising the technical and financial aspect of the plan with the World Health Organisation dealing with the medical side of it and the United Nations dealing with the governing side of it all equals to the sharing of power by all these parties, as the media is focusing on Covid, they are not showing people what the bigger picture is, and why would they, if it is part of the plan. But these globalists they are exibitionists,