Ghostnuts Podcast

Ghostnuts Podcast

#46 – Human-Animal Hybrids (Chimeras) & Organ Harvesting

March 27, 2021

Episode 46

Human-Animal Hybrids

When discussing the works of the human animal hybrids, we aren’t exactly talking about mythology or ancient beliefs of hindu gods or Egypt where the head is a bird and the body is a human as these are depicted as they are half and half like goat legged and shit like that, which is entirely up to you what you want to believe. However, we are going to decipher the scientific experiments going on with mixing DNA of humans and animals, but what exactly is the use of purpose and why it is such a big situation.

A genetic chimerism or chimera is an organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering.

Although this concept seems far fetched it is actually prevalent in modern life and ranges from fruit you can find at your local supermarket (Clementine a cross between a mandarin and an orange) or the boysenberry (a cross between the raspberry, blackberry, dewberry and loganberry) to exotic animals you might find at the zoo such as the Liger, Tigon, Zonkey, Geep etc.

This shit gets interesting when we look further into the topic of Human-Animal Hybrids or cross species chimerism. You see the human psyche has an easier time accepting hybrids between fruit and flowers even animals since it can happen naturally in a sense (through grafting different plants together or through animals cross breeding). When we start playing “God” and artificially force the hand of natural law most of us feel a bit uneasy about the whole process.

Britain has started to create hybrids of animals and humans, King’s College, the university of Newcastle and warwick university have conducted experiments with human/animal embryos. with the purpose of finding cures to various diseases such as parkinsons. According to intel, more than 155 hybrids have been created in the last three years. They proclaim that although this may sounds cruel and grotesque, these experiments are essential for the development of stem cells.

Human-animal hybrids are set to be developed at the University of Tokyo after the Japanese government recently lifted a ban on the controversial stem-cell research.

Hiromitsu Nakauchi—director of the Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Tokyo and team leader at Stanford’s Nakauchi Lab—is the first to receive approval for the questionable experiments which will attempt to grow human cells in rat and mouse embryos before being brought to term in a surrogate animal.

Despite many feeling that such studies are the equivalent of playing God, scientists say that the objective is far from sinister. It’s theorized that developing animals with organs constructed from human cells will create organs that can then be used for transplants in humans, cutting the long organ donation waitlists.

Scientists in Japan have been allowed to research the hybrid embryos for some time but were restricted from going past a 14-day growth period. However,