Ghostnuts Podcast

Ghostnuts Podcast

#45 – A.I (Artificial Intelligence) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

March 20, 2021

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence) 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality.

In computer science, the term artificial intelligence (AI) refers to any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or other machine. In popular usage, artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of the human mind—learning from examples and experience, recognizing objects, understanding and responding to language, making decisions, solving problems—and combining these and other capabilities to perform functions a human might perform.

* Machine learning is a subset of AI application that learns by itself. It actually reprograms itself, as it digests more data, to perform the specific task it’s designed to perform with increasingly greater accuracy.* Deep learning is a subset of machine learning application that teaches itself to perform a specific task with increasingly greater accuracy, without human intervention.

Weak A.I / Strong A.I

Weak AI—also called Narrow AI is AI trained and focused to perform specific tasks. Weak AI drives most of the AI that surrounds us today. (E.g. Iphone Siri / Google’s Alexa)

Strong AI, also called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), is AI that more fully replicates the autonomy of the human brain—AI that can solve many types or classes of problems and even choose the problems it wants to solve without human intervention.

How A.I is used today

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans

–Speech recognition: Also called speech to text (STT), speech recognition is AI technology that recognizes spoken words and converts them to digitized text. 

–Natural language processing (NLP): NLP enables a software application, computer, or machine to understand, interpret, and generate human text. 

–Image recognition (computer vision or machine vision): AI technology that can identify and classify objects

image recognition is used for fingerprint ID systems, self driving cars 

–Automated stock trading: Designed to optimize stock portfolios, AI-driven high-frequency trading platforms make thousands or even millions of trades per day without human intervention.

-Ride-share services: E.g. Uber matching you up with the next Bloody.

–Household robots: iRobot’s Roomba vacuum uses artificial intelligence to determine the size of a room, identify and avoid obstacles, and learn the most efficient route for vacuuming a floor. Similar technology drives robotic lawn mowers and pool cleaners.

-Autopilot technology: Helping direct the next mh-370.

Prominent Antagonists

‘Beware of those who worship AI gods’ – Elon Musk

Why was this quoted? It was actually a jab at Anthony Levandowski, the man hired by Google’s founder Larry Page to operate the Google Street View System. After he reached his career high he started a company to develop a self driving car which was then purchased by Uber, Uber then suspended the self driving operation, which triggered him to do illegal buzziness to breach company confidentiality,