Ghostnuts Podcast

Ghostnuts Podcast

#43 – AstraZeneca Vaccine & Government COVID Tracking

March 06, 2021


Episode 43

Astrazeneca Vaccine & Tracking

Before we jump back up in the juicy orb of this whole covid fiasco let’s just take a minute to think about how much money some companies are fucking making in these desperate 0.016% death rate pandemic scamdemic. Firstly, the pharmaceutical companies have banged in a shitload of profit with all the mineral water they’re sending all around the world, but also multiple medical institutes getting government funding for testing clinics. There is also the business and technology side who have also made a shitload of money, making chungus profits with new apps and contraptions that are covid friendly and helpful to the pandemic.

It should be no surprise to you that this COVID pandemic, whether you believe it to be fake or real, has been used as a Trojan horse by the various powers that be around the world as a way to shoehorn various rules & regulations into effect. Various rules and regulations that under normal circumstances wouldn’t fly, but the fear of a pandemic has allowed this shit to pass without much duress or uproar from the general public.  One example we can point to is Victoria, they have just extended their state of emergency until december, it gives the state government the power to mandate face coverings, require workplaces to have a COVIDSafe plan and force an imposed quarantine. 

We also previously touched on how smartphones have pushed software updates since the outbreak that track you for “COVID exposure” and this is a “feature” that seems to be sticking around regardless of what happens with COVID, it’s an additional aspect of control that has been implemented that will never be relinquished. 


A couple of interesting nuggets of info concerning Astrazeneca that most people should consider, 

Before proper testing has been completed – even before the release of the phase 1 studies – AstraZeneca announced 2 billion doses of the Oxford coronavirus vaccine will be developed by them after a $750 million deal with charities backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

AstraZeneca paid $5.5 million in damages in 2016 for bribing doctors in China and Russia. The company had been accused of making improper payments to health care providers in Russia and China, according to a cease-and-desist order released by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. They were bribing officials to influence them into purchasing drugs produced by AZ. 

Scandal involving the drug Seroquel, an antipsychotic used to treat bipolar and schizophrenia. A 2002 study found that the results of children taking Seroquel for bipolar disorder were inconclusive.

It quickly became the go-to drug for this use, even though it was not officially approved for use in children.

Later it was found that Seroquel could cause harmful effects in children and that AstraZeneca had covered up this evidence. Company emails prove that the company knew about the effects and were actively burying them. The researcher from the 2002 study was also later found to have taken consulting fees from AstraZeneca, seen as kickbacks. Ultimately AstraZeneca had to pay millions of dollars in fines for marketing Seroquel for off-label uses.”

There are numerous other examples of them doing ...