

Dubious Alliance and DundraCon 39

February 18, 2015

What a great time all the geeks had at Dundracon.  We were running a full crew, all 8 people that it takes to make the show what it is were there, and partying commenced.  A big “THANK YOU” to the Dundracon staff and ownership for having a great DundraCon XXXIX.  While at Dundracon the geeks got a chance to meet Brandon Raasch the creator and driving force behind the fantasy card game “Dubious Alliance”.   Brandon joins in the on the topic and the geeks get to talk a lot about his game as well.

The geeks want to give a special shout out to Chad Martins who ran the dealers room and did a fantastic job.  Everyone from the check-in staff, to all the coordinators, and everyone who pitched in, all of us at Geekline415 had a most excellent time at DundraCon and will be back again, year after year.  We are glad to have rediscovered you again after all these years.

What is this game Dubious Alliance?

As many in the listening audience know, the geeks strive to find games that cause salty tears and or fits of gamer rage at any given moment and they believe they have found one that will fit the bill in Dubious Alliance.

From Brandon’s website at “Dubious Alliance is a Fantasy Bluffing Card Game where you play an Orc racing to gather weapons, loot magic items, fight monsters and avoid traps to gain the treasure and Prestige needed to take control of your tribe before someone in your band gets killed. The game is for 3 – 7 players and takes less than an hour to play.

Dubious Alliance is best described as a ‘cooperative backstabber’. Players work together to survive the Orc realm of Hirntodia; while lying, stealing and plotting against each other win. Who better than Orcs to represent the dubious alliance among a party of adventurers seeking their own fortune and glory?”

You had us at “cooperative backstabber”.  What more could a geek ask for?  We highly encourage you all to hop over to Brandon’s website and give it a once over.  Games like this are hard to find and if you are anything like the geeks, you’ll love this one.

And don’t forget:  TUSKS UP!


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