From the Head of the Bed

Latest Episodes
#70 – Anesthesia Guidebook
This is the final episode of From the Head of the Bed. But wait! There’s more! We’re transitioning to an all new & improved platform & podcast: Anesthesia Guidebook! Anesthesia Guidebook is the go-to guide for anesthesia providers who want … #70 – Ane...
#69 – LVADs in non-cardiac surgery with Ben Levin, MD
In this episode, I have the privilege of speaking with Ben Levin, MD on the perioperative management of patients with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) for non-cardiac surgery. We discuss device function, cardiac physiology,
#68 – Workplace incivility with Joshua Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA & Kelly Gallant, PhD, MSN, CRNA
Josh Lea, DNP, MBA, CRNA and Kelly Gallant, PhD, MSN, CRNA join me to discuss workplace incivility in anesthesia training. We discuss the role of precepting SRNAs and anesthesia residents, root causes and implications of incivility and processes for im...
#67 – Regional anesthesia with Shane Garner, MS, CRNA, NSPM-C
Regional anesthesia is Shane Garner’s passion and in this episode he and I talk about regional from a 10,000-foot view. We cover the fellowship programs available to CRNAs and the NBCRNA’s board certification exam in Non-Surgical Pain Management.
#66 – The 5 Keys for Achieving Financial Independence with Shane Garner, MS, CRNA, NSPM-C
Shane Garner, MS, CRNA, NSPM-C & I discuss what he considers to be five keys for achieving financial independence. The keys are: 1. Set goals to live below your means. 2. Pay yourself first. 3. Avoid debt. 4.
#65 – SRNA Wellness with Adrienne Chavez, BSN, SRNA & Kelly Gallant, PhD, SRNA
I’m joined on the show today by Kelly Gallant, PhD, SRNA and Adrienne Chavez, BSN, SRNA to talk about Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist (SRNA) wellness in light of the COVID19 pandemic. Kelly and Adrienne are the immediate past and current … #65 – ...
#64 – SRNAs: moving forward when furloughed
In this post, I speak to the SRNA’s who’ve been furloughed from clinical during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. I offer advice for how to maximize down time and stay focused on moving forward towards graduation, boards and a rewarding career in … #64 – SRNAs...
#63 – Guided Relaxation with Matt Zinder, MS, CRNA, CH
In this podcast, Matt Zinder, MS, CRNA, CH walks us through a fifteen-minute guided relaxation session. You need this. We need this. You should try this at home or on your lunch break at work. But not while you’re driving.
#62 – Imperial College Report – the scope of COVID19
This podcast was recorded on Saturday, 21 March 2020 and is a quick run down of the Imperial College London report that was published 16 March 2020. This report dramatically shifted the public policy of the United States and Great … #62 – Imperial Col...
#61 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Jonathan Meserve, MD
CLICK THE LINK ON THE IMAGE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: In this episode I discuss the coronavirus pandemic with pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist, Jonathan Meserve, MD. The audio