from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

073b – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 2 nite I Get To
December 20, 2016

The Seven Day Mental Diet feels like a blessing to me. I didn't have to do this today. I don't "have to" do this podcast and try everyday to find something to post. I Get To! And what a gift it is. Thank you everyone.

073a – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 2 I used to be all negative
December 20, 2016

I tell you about how I used to be negative all the time but little by little I used the tools like the mental challenge to exercise in having a positive attitude.

072b – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 1 Night
December 19, 2016

I offer some of my past experience with changing my mental attitude from negative to positive.

072a – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 1 Morning
December 19, 2016

As promised I'm up with you guys and beginning the Seven Day Mental Challenge. I will share with you my experiences hoping it will serve to help you with your own challenge.

071 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Overwhelming Challenge
December 16, 2016

With the commitment to the seven day mental challenge comes the possibility of a flood of negativity. Why does this happen? I can't say for sure but I offer a few ideas that I have encountered that act as an explanation that can serve me and ease my me...

070 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Mental Diet – Why
December 15, 2016

Today all I talk about is why I did the mental diet and why I'm doing it again. At least I begin explaining that. I'll have more why tomorrow.

069 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Mental Diet Review
December 14, 2016

Today I review the seven day mental diet and share some more of my past and how a change in attitude has been the foundation of my success.

068 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Healthy Mental Diet
December 14, 2016

Today's episode is my explanation of the Healthy Mental Diet and what to do.

067 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Two Weeks of a Healthy Mental Diet
December 12, 2016

My attitude has be the core and foundation of my success in getting clean and sober and maintaining my sobriety for over 23 years. I am going to share with you a great exercise and I'm going to do it with you to show it can be done and because I know t...

066 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | The Luckiest Guy Alive
December 10, 2016

In AA they taught me to have an attitude of gratitude. To accomplish this was easy all I needed to do was write down 5 things everyday I could be grateful for. After 5 days the list was 25 things long and I understood their point and it change my whole...