from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

081 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Karma; Action, Faith, State of Mind
January 05, 2017

Do something today that your future self with thank you for. That's Karma and that's part of my state of mind and my state of doing.

080 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | More About Karma
January 04, 2017

The actions I take in my life either open up my Buddha Nature or they close me off from it. Karma means action so my future is determined by my actions right now.

079 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Understanding Karma
January 03, 2017

Spirituality is a cornerstone of AA and the 12 Steps. With my beliefs rooted in the teachings of Buddha Dharma it becomes inevitable that I would talk about Karma.

078 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | A New Year
January 02, 2017

I have a good attitude! So today is an exciting time. It's a new day of a new week at the beginning of a new month of a brand new year. I feel optimistic, full of hope and potential. But today is just like any other day the difference is in me and what...

077 – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Lucky is Just My Attitude
December 31, 2016

While I was away I had several events happen that in the past would have lead me to feel angry and that I had a very unlucky life. In the episode today I share what happened, what I used to be like and what I'm like now.

076b – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 5PM Right Thought?
December 23, 2016

The Eight Fold Path of the Dharma includes Right Thought. I was asked about this and today I give the beginning of an answer to it's meaning. The Seven Day Mental Challenge is part of developing right thought but it's more also.

076a – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 5AM Christmas Tradition
December 23, 2016

As an addict I would use drugs and alcohol to hide away my feelings. I realized one day that I was still doing that with junkfood especially at Christmas when I was alone. I felt lonely and had regret I didn't want to face.

075a – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 4AM It’s all in my mind
December 22, 2016

The thought for the day is that everything simply exists as to how I see it. I used to have a distorted view of life because of drugs and alcohol but now I see clearly. I use things like the mental challenge to help further clear my vision.

074b – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 3 PM Changing and Growth
December 21, 2016

Tonight I just share that through this weeks mental challenge I can see improvement in myself and for that I am grateful. Thank you for listening.

074a – Buddhist 12 Step Recovery | Day 3 AM The World is Just How You Choose
December 21, 2016

This morning I share an example of someone I know who reminded me of how pessimistic I used to be. I am reminded of a sponsor telling me "...I can be happy or I can be right, if I choose to be negative and argue all the time." -