from Booze to Buddha

from Booze to Buddha

Latest Episodes

015 – It’s all in my head!
August 04, 2016

Well today was a challenge for me cause I selected a pretty provocative topic, the Buddha’s teaching that everything is of the mind. Let’s just call this part 1 knowing we’ll be back to this puzzle again.

014 – More Meditation
August 01, 2016

Today I further explain how I use meditation. I use a few examples but primarily I share my understanding of unconditional love and how I used meditation to find it.

013 – Meditation Part 1
July 29, 2016

Today I express my understand of simple meditation. I have used meditation and viewed in a couple of ways.

012 – Begin talking about Buddhism
July 25, 2016

Today I begin with the intention of summarizing and giving a general overview of the life of the Buddha, his first teachings and a little about what they mean. Instead I end up giving myself a lesson in balance which was the first understanding the Bud...

011 – Prayer for An Agnostic Guy
July 21, 2016

Step 11 reads: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out. So Today I add a little further commentary to what praye...

010 – Step 11 – Prayer & Meditation to Improve My Good Orderly Direction
July 18, 2016

Today I give a summary about Step 11 and improving contact with my higher power. In this episode I explain how I use prayer to find focus in my life and meditation to improve myself and my Good Orderly Direction which for me is G.O.D.

009 – Eight, Nine & Ten – Make a List, Make Amends & Take Daily Stock
July 17, 2016

Today I look at Step 8 being two things; a list of people I feel I have wronged and finding the willingness to make amends. In Step 9 I apply how I feel I can make amends to each. Then with the remaining time I explain how I looked to Benjamin Franklin...

008 – Steps 6 and 7
July 14, 2016

I reveal how removing my shortcomings is an on going process and share a personal story about one of my character defects.

007 – Step 4 and 5 for me.
July 12, 2016

Nothing special I’m just trying to show that if I can do it anyone can do it and that there really is nothing “woo woo” about it.  

006 – 12 Steps in a Nutshell?
July 06, 2016

I was given the opportunity to use the 12 steps again in my life. This included sharing with another how I use them in my regular life to overcome other non-serving habits like eating too much junkfood. The experience was so positive for me and I get t...